• Seguire Gesù vuol dire cambiare le idee su Dio

    Ed egli domandava loro: “Ma voi, chi dite che io sia?”. Pietro gli rispose. “Tu sei il Cristo”. (Mc 8, 29)

    XXIV Domenica del Tempo Ordinario

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Color Section

The color section is the most powerful layout element in your arsenal to build unique websites. it allows you to display fullwidth section that contains various elements, and also lets you set the styling of this section by changing background images and color, height, top and bottom border, etc

A color section is a fullwidth element that can not co-exist beside a sidebar. You can however display a sidebar below the last fullwidth element if you want to.

Below are a few color section examples

This is a color section with fixed background and slanted border

This is a color section with solid background